

  • Publisher of 14 scientific papers and books
  • Extraordinary lecturer at University of Pretoria
  • Coordinator of research-development projects
  • Member of 5 international scientific groups such as IUFRO, AETFAT
  • Supervisor of MS and BS Students
  • Reviewer of many journals including: Agroforestry systems, Journal of Forestry Research 


01 B.P. 526 Cotonou, Benin

Cell: (229) 97 61 38 29

Fax: (229) 21 30 30 84

E-Mail: [email protected]


  • Ph.D., University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), 2014, Major: Agronomy
  • Agricultural Engineering Degree, University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), 2006, Major: Agronomy & Forestry
  • High School Diploma, Major Biology (Diplôme du Baccalauréat Série Scientifique D), CEG Ste Rita, Benin, 2001


Agroforestry, Agronomy, Applied Ecology, Biodiversity & Conservation, Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring, Bush Fire Impact on Plant Life Forms, Climate Change Biology, Conservation – Restoration, Conservation Biology, Ecological Modeling, Ecological Restoration, Ecosystem Functioning, Endangered and useful species conservation, Ethnobotany, Forest Conservation, Forest Ecology, Forest Management, Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Nature Conservation, Non-Timber Forest Products Assessment, Plant Biodiversity and Conservation, Plant community ecology, Plant Ecology and Phytosociology, Protected Area Management Assessment, Tropical Ecology and Biology, Vegetation Ecology.


Benin, Burkina Faso, Togo, Afrique du Sud, Mozambique, Malawi.


  • National research projects
  • IFS research projects
  • Rufford foundation project


  • Society for Conservation of Biology (SCB)
  • International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)
  • Group for Phytosociological Nomenclature (GPN)
  • Association Béninoise des Pastoralistes (Benin Association of pastoralists)
  • Association pour l’Etude de la Taxonomie de la Flore d’Afrique Tropicale (AETFAT)


  1. Eméline Sêssi Pélagie Assédé, Chabi Adéyèmi Marc Sylvestre Djagoun, Fortuné Akomian Azihou, Yannick Senakpon Caleb Gogan, Meryas Dègbémabou Kouton, Aristide Cossi Adomou, Coert Johannes Geldenhuys, Paxie Wanangwa Chirwa, Brice Augustin Sinsin. 2018. Efficiency of conservation areas to protect orchid species in Benin, West Africa. South African Journal of Botanic116: 230-237.
  2. Eméline Sêssi Pélagie Assédé, Chabi Adéyèmi Marc Sylvestre Djagoun, Akomian Fortuné Azihou, Meryas Dègbémabou Kouton, Yannick Senakpon Caleb Gogan, Coert Johannes Geldenhuys, Paxie Wanangwa Chirwa and Brice Augustin Sinsin. 2017. Folk perceptions and patterns of use of orchid species in Benin, West Africa. Flora et Vegetatio Sudano-Sambesica 20: 26-36.
  3. Marco Schmidt, Eméline Assédé, Horst Oebel, Jakob Fahr, Brice Sinsin, 2016. Biota of the WAP complex – starting a citizen science project for West Africa’s largest complex of protected areas. Flora et Vegetatio Sudano-Sambesica 19:  3-6.
  4. Gbeffe, A.K., Houehanou, T.D., Habiyaremye, M., Assede, E.S.P., Yaoitcha, A.S., de Bisthoven, L.J., Sogbohossou, E.A., Houinato, M., Sinsin, A.B. (2016). Effects of termite mounds on composition, functional types and traits of plant communities in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Benin, West Africa). African Journal of Ecology 1-12.
  5. Émeline Sessi Pélagie Assédé, Fortuné Akomian Azihou, Aristide Cossi Adomou, Madjidou Oumorou, Brice Sinsin. 2015. Effet du relief sur la régénération des espèces ligneuses en zone soudanienne du Bénin. Bois et Forêt des Tropiques 326(4): 15-24.
  6. Fandohan, A. B., A. M. O. Oduor, A. I. Sodé, L. Wu, A. Cuni-Sanchez, E. Assede, and G. N. Gouwakinnou. (2015). Modeling vulnerability of protected areas to invasion by Chromolaena odorata under current and future climates. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 1(6): 1-12.
  7. Assédé P.S.E, Adomou A.C., Sinsin B. (2012)a. Magnoliophyta, Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari, Atacora, Benin. Check list (8): 642-661.
  8. Assédé P.S.E, Adomou A.C., Sinsin B. (2012)b. Relationship between stand regime and population structure of Pseudocedrela kotschyi (Meliaceae) and Terminalia macroptera (Combretaceae) in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari (Benin, West Africa).  International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 4(12): 427-438.
  9. Assédé P.S.E, Adomou A.C., Sinsin B. (2012)c. Secondary succession and factors determining change in soil condition from fallow to savannah in the Sudanian Zone of Benin. Phytocoenologia 42 (3 – 4): 181 – 189.


  1. Thierry D. Houenahou,Eméline S.P. Assédé, François Muhashy Habiyaremye, Etotépé A. Sogbohossou, Méryas Kouton, Pierre Onodjè Agbani, Alain S. Yaoitcha, Alain K. Gbeffe et Marcel R. B. Houinato. 2017. La Réserve de Biosphère de la Pendjari (Bénin), Guide & lexique pour le suivi des parcours naturels: Habitats, Faune et Feux. Bruxelles, Belgique – Edition IRSNB – ISSN: 2295-4511– 154 p.
  1. Assédé, E.P.S.,Kouton, M.D, Geldenhuys, C.J., Sinsin, B. 2016. Habitat and Plant Species of the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari. Cotonou, Bénin – Les Edition Plurielles – ISBN: 978-999192-2-182-2 – 128 p.
  1. Assédé P.S.E, Nago G., Sinsin B. 2013. Les petites mares de la Réserve de Biosphère de la Pendjari. Deutschland, Allemagne (Germany) – Editions Universitaires européennes – ISBN: 978-613-1-56174-0. 113 p.


