Profesor Brice Sinsin


  • Director, Laboratorio de Ecología aplicada
  • Antiguo rector / canciller / presidente de la Universidad de Abomey Calavi (2012-2017)
  • Editor de más de 350 documentos científicos
  • Profesor visitante en muchas universidades en África, Asia, Europa and North América
  • Coordinador de más de 20 proyectos de investigación y desarrollo
  • Miembro de más de 25 grupos científicos internacionales como el IUCN-WCPA, Centro de agroforestería mundial
  • Supervisor de más de 60 graduados de doctorados e innumerables estudiantes de Máster y licenciados en ciencias
  • Encabeza la Fundación UAC, Grupo de voluntariado de UAC y arranque del Valle UAC
  • Presidente, Ecología tropical
  • Crítico de varias revistas incluyendo: Comida y Toxicología Química, Evolución Ecológica de plantas
  • Editor, Crónicas de Ciencias agronómicas
  • Fundador de la Asociación de Pastoralismo de Benín
  • Miembro de la Junta de muchas organizaciones (ej. ICRISAT)



01 B.P. 526 Cotonou, Benin

Teléfono: (229) 97 01 61 36

Fax: (229) 21 30 30 84

Correo electrónico: [email protected]

[email protected]

Página web:



  • Doctorado, Universidad gratuita de Bruselas (Bélgica), 1993, Especialización: Agronomía
  • Grado de ingeniería agrónoma, Universidad de Abomey-Calavi (Benin), 1985, Especialización: Agronomía y Silvicultura
  • Diploma de Educación Secundaria, especialización en Matemáticas y Física, Escuela secundaria de Abomey, Benin, 1980



Agricultura, Agroforestería, Agronomía, Ecología Aplicada, Biodiversidad y Conservación, Cálculo de Biodiversidad y Supervisión, Impacto de incendios de arbustos en las formas de vida de las plantas, Biología del cambio climático, Conservación– Restauración, Biología de conservación, Modelado de Ecología, Restauración de Ecología, Estadísticas de Ecología, Ecología de ecosistemas, Funcionamiento de Ecología, Conservación de especies útiles y en peligro de extinción, Etnobotánica, Conservación forestal, Ecología forestal, Dirección forestal, Ecología de paisaje, Ganado, Dirección de pastizales y áreas protegidas, Dirección y conservación de recursos naturales, Conservación de la naturaleza, Evaluación de productos de bosques no madereros, Biodiversidad y Conservación de plantas, Ecología de plantas de comunidad (Fitosociología), Ecología de plantas y Fitosociología, Dirección de control de áreas protegidas, Ecología de pastizales, Ecología de restauración, Diversidad de especies, Ecología tropical y Biología, Ecología de vegetación, Censo de fauna (censo terrenal y aéreo) y Conservación.



Benín, Burkina Faso, Costa de Marfil, Camerún, Gabón, Ghana, Kenia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Namibia, Níger, Nigeria, República de África Central, Senegal, Sierra Leona, África del Sur, Togo, Uganda, etc.



  • Projectos de investigación nacionales
  • Projectos de investigación de la EU (SUN, DADOBAT, UNDESERT)
  • Proyectos bilaterales: Bélgica (CIUF, VLIR), Alemania (WV Stiftung; BIOTA), Holanda (Flora de Benín), Francia (RIPESCA, VASA)
  • etc.



  • Sociedad Botánica Real de Bélgica
  • Amistosos francófonos de Fitosociología
  • Redes de recorrido
  • Asociación por el studio taxonómico de la flora del África tropical
  • Grupo de investigación y de información en la farmacopea y el ambiente tropical
  • Sociedad de dirección de Rangeland
  • Sociedad ecológica de Ámerica
  • Sociedad internacional de Ecología Tropical
  • Unión internacional por la conservación de la naturaleza
  • Comisión mundial de áreas protegidas
  • Asociación de Pastoralismo de Benín



  • Miembro, Comité de selección del premio internacional Fulbright
  • Alumnado, Premio Fulbright
  • Gran canciller de la orden nacional de Benín (2010)
  • Premio, Fundación internacional por la Ciencia
  • Vicepresidente de África central y África del Oeste, IUCN/WCPA
  • Mejor director del año, Comité Internacional Sócrates (2013)
  • Premio de buena gobernanza, Red nacional de asociaciones de la promoción de la buena gobernanza (ONG Red de esperanza de Benín) (2013)
  • RUFORUM IMPRESSA (Investigación de Impacto y ciencia en África) Premio (2017)
  • Premio de Logro Personal del Gobierno Chino. Presentado por el vicepresidente de China (2016)
  • Etc.



  • Biota del complejo WAP– ciencia ciudadana y guías online
  • Enfoque de la conservación de agrobiodiversidad en Benín y África del Oeste de granjeros
  • NTFP y conservación de biodiversidad en Benín
  • Valoración de los patrones ecológicos de la vegetación Termitaria
  • Adaptación basada en el ecosistema para la seguridad alimentaria en África del Oeste
  • Socioeconómicas del desarrollo de la agricultura en África
  • Modelo DRIS preliminar de parametrización para acceder al estado nutritivo de la variedad de piña ‘Perola’ en Benín (África del Oeste)
  • Recursos pastorales de dirección en el norte de Benín
  • Ecología evolucionaria del género Guibourtia
  • UNDESERT (Entendimiento y combatimiento de la desertificación para mitigar su impacto en los ecosistemas)
  • SUN (Uso Sostenible de la vegetación natural en África del Oeste)



  1. Diversity and Current Spatial Distribution of Wild-Edible Fruit Trees Species in the Lama Forest Reserve in Benin
  2. Modelling the current and future distribution of Kigelia africana under climate change in Benin, West Africa
  3. Preliminary study on the tick population of Benin wildlife at the moment of its invasion by the Rhipicephalus microplus tick (Canestrini, 1888)
  4. Efficiency of conservation areas to protect orchid species in Benin, West Africa
  5. Knowledge, valuation and prioritization of 46 woody species for conservation in agroforestry systems along Ouémé catchment in Benin (West Africa)
  6. Traditional ecological knowledge-based assessment of threatened woody species and their potential substitutes in the Atakora mountain chain, a threatened hotspot of biodiversity in Northwestern Benin, West Africa
  7. Spatial and temporal variation of black cotton soil organic carbon in Guinean forest zone in West Africa
  8. Effectiveness of Protected Areas in Conserving the Highly Hunted Mammal Species as Bushmeat in Southern Benin
  9. Estimation of cultivable areas for Irvingia gabonensis and I. wombolu (Irvingiaceae) in Dahomey-Gap (West Africa)
  10. Mangroves in Benin, West Africa: threats, uses and conservation opportunities
  11. Landscape dynamics of the classified forest of Lama in Southern Benin
  12. Reproductive phenology of two Mimusops species in relation to climate, tree diameter and canopy position in Benin (West Africa)
  13. Application of site-specific biomass models to quantify spatial distribution of stocks and historical emissions from deforestation in a tropical forest ecosystem
  14. Mapping changes in land use/land cover and prediction of future extension of bowé in Benin, West Africa
  15. Ethnobotanical Survey of Mangrove Plant Species Used as Medicine from Ouidah to Grand-Popo Districts, Southern Benin
  17. Effects of salinity on seedling emergence and early seedling growth of Irvingia gabonensis (Irvingiaceae)
  18. Perceptions et attitudes des riverains à l’endroit de la forêt sacrée de Kpassè, Sud-Bénin
  19. Manuscrit perceptions et attitudes populations Forêt Sacrée Kpassè
  20. Topographic and edaphic factors determining Chromolaena odorata and Hyptis suaveolens invasion of grassland in the Guineo-Congolian / Sudanian transition zone (Benin)
  21. Assessing use, diversity and local conservation priorities of woody species within agroforestry systems along Ouémé catchment in Benin (West Africa)
  22. Assessing use, diversity and local conservation priorities of woody species within agroforestry systems along Ouémé catchment in Benin (West Africa)
  23. Local Knowledge on the Uses, Habitat, and Change in Abundance of Multipurpose Mimusops Species in Benin
  24. Medicinal uses of Moringa oleifera in southern Benin (West Africa)
  25. Potentiel de régénération des chantiers de production du charbon de bois au Centre-Bénin
  27. Sedentary yam-based cropping systems in West Africa: Benefits of the use of herbaceous cover-crop legumes and rotation—lessons and challenges
  29. Biota of the WAP complex – starting a citizen science project for West Africa’s largest complex of protected areas
  31. The Effect of Seasonal Variations, Covariations with Minerals and Forage Value on Itchgrass’ Foliar Silicification from Sudanian Benin
  32. Distribution du colobe vert olive ( Procolobus verus) au Bénin (Afrique) et menaces pesant sur sa conservation
  33. Isotopic niche structure of a mammalian herbivore assemblage from a West African savanna: Body mass and seasonality effect
  34. The Contribution of Termitaria to Plant Species Conservation in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin
  35. Impact of bark and foliage harvesting on fruit production of the multipurpose tree Afzelia africana in Burkina Faso (West Africa)
  36. Regional erosion risk mapping for decision support: A case study from West Africa
  37. Spatial and temporal analysis of maize (Zea mays) crop yields in Benin from 1987 to 2007
  38. Review of the higher education system in Benin: Status, challenges, opportunities and strategies for improvement
  39. Transhumance en République du Bénin : états des lieux et contraintes
  40. Specific and generic stem biomass and volume models of tree species in a West African tropical semi-deciduous forest
  42. Dry Matter Production, Nutrient Cycled and Removed, and Soil Fertility Changes in Yam-Based Cropping Systems with Herbaceous Legumes in the Guinea-Sudan Zone of Benin
  43. Impacts of gravel extraction activities in southern Benin: Residents’ perception
  44. Effet du relief sur la régénération des espèces ligneuses en zone soudanienne du Bénin
  45. Genetic diversity of bitter and sweet African bush mango trees (Irvingia spp., Irvingiaceae) in West and Central Africa
  46. Transhumance en République du Bénin : états des lieux et contraintes Transhumance in Republic of Benin: state of art and constraints
  47. Knowledge of diversity of wild palms (Arecaceae) in the Republic of Benin: finding gaps in the national inventory by combining field and digital accessible knowledge
  48. Tree-ring: a suitable implement for spatial and temporal fire distribution analysis in savanna woodland and dry forest
  49. Dynamique de l’occupation du sol dans le Parc National du W et sa périphérie au nord-ouest du Bénin
  50. Habitat Use by White-Thighed Colobus in the Kikélé Sacred Forest: Activity Budget, Feeding Ecology and Selection of Sleeping Trees
  51. Etude de l’efficacité et de la tolérance d’une tisane à base de Artemisia annua L. (Asteraceae) cultivée au Bénin pour la prise en charge du paludisme simple
  52. Morphological variation, cultivation techniques and management practices of Moringa oleifera in Southern Benin (West Africa) International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)
  53. Using species distribution models to select climate change resistant species for ecological restoration of bowé in West Africa
  54. Caractérisation des habitats de Dialium guineense (Willd) en République du Bénin
  55. Spatial distribution of bowal and differences in physicochemical characteristics between bowal and woodland soils in Benin, West Africa
  56. Impact of climate on seed morphology and plant growth of Caesalpinia bonduc L. in West Africa International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)
  57. Investigations of on farm seedling productivity of the rare and declining Caesalpinia bonduc in Benin (West Africa) by aid of simulation modelling
  58. Guibourtia Benn.: A high conservation value genus. A review
  59. Bowalization: Its Impact on Soil, Biodiversity, and Human Livelihoods in West Africa
  60. Effects of the relief on the regeneration of woody species in Benin’s Sudanian zone
  61. Genetic diversity and difference within and between bitter and sweet African bush mango trees (Irvingia spp., Irvingiaceae) in West and Central Africa
  62. Ecological Factors Influencing Physical Soil Degradation in the Atacora Mountain Chain in Benin, West Africa
  63. Ethnobotanical Assessment of Moringa oleiferaLam. in Southern Benin (West Africa)
  64. Local perceptions of manifestation of climate change and adaptation measures in the management of soil fertility in the Municipality of Banikoara in North Benin
  66. Vegetation characteristics of bowé in Benin (West Africa)
  67. Endogenous knowledge and human disturbance impact on abundance of two underutilized wild edible tree species in southern Benin
  68. Déforestation, savanisation et développement agricole des paysages de savanes-forêts dans la zone soudano-guinéenne du Bénin
  69. Biotechnology in Biodiversity Conservation: Overview of its Application for Conservation of Endangered African Tree Species
  70. Does phenology distinguish bitter and sweet African bush mango trees (Irvingia spp., Irvingiaceae)?
  71. Hunting affects dry season habitat selection by several bovid species in northern Benin
  72. Impacts of the diversity of traditional uses and potential economic value on food tree species conservation status: case study of African bush mango trees (Irvingiaceae) in the Dahomey Gap (West Africa)
  73. Assessment of the medicinal uses of plant species found on termitaria in the Pendjari biosphere reserve in Benin
  74. Speciation slowing down in widespread and long-living tree taxa: Insights from the tropical timber tree genus Milicia (Moraceae)
  75. How farmers perceive and cope with bowalization: A case study from West Africa
  76. Social Structure of Lions (Panthera leo) Is Affected by Management in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, Benin
  77. Natural variation in fruit characteristics and seed germination of Jatropha curcas in Benin,West Africa
  78. Deforestation, transformation into savannah and agricultural development in the savannah and forest landscapes of Benin’s Sudano-Guinean zone
  79. Chemical composition, cytotoxicity and in vitro antitrypanosomal and antiplasmodial activity of the essential oils of four Cymbopogon species from Benin
  81. Modeling Solar Energy Transfer through Roof Material in Africa Sub-Saharan Regions
  82. Impact of climate change on the geographical distrubution of suitable areas for cultivation and conservation of underutilized fruit trees: Case study of the tamarind tree in Benin
  83. The projected impact of climate and land use change on plant diversity: An example from West Africa
  84. Do isolated gallery-forest trees facilitate recruitment of forest seedlings and saplings in savannna?
  85. Effect of inventory plot patterns in the floristic analysis of tropical woodland and dense forest
  86. Vigilance Efficiency and Behaviour of Bohor Reedbuck Redunca redunca (Pallas 1767) in a Savanna Environment of Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Northern Benin)
  87. Change in the woody floristic composition, diversity and structure from protected to unprotected savannahs in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Benin, West Africa)
  88. How far bowalization affects phytodiversity, life forms and plant morphology in Sub-humid tropic in West Africa
  89. Evaluation of biomass production and nutritive value of nine Panicum maximum ecotypes in Central region of Benin
  90. Specific Richness and Cultural Importance of Wild Edible Trees in Benin
  91. Test of validity of a dynamic soil carbon model using data from leaf litter decomposition in a West African tropical forest
  92. Impact des feux de brousse sur la dynamique des communautés végétales dans la forêt de Bassila (Bénin)
  93. Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex Benth. harvesting as a tool for conservation and source of income for local people in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve
  94. Étude de la diversité spécifique du groupement à Cochlospermum tinctorium A. Rich, des savanes arbustives du nord-Bénin
  95. Variation of Loranthaceae impact on Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn. fruit yield in contrasting habitats and implications for its conservation
  96. National inventory and prioritization of crop wild relatives: Case study for Benin
  97. Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis of the Diets of West African Bovids in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, Northern Benin
  99. Capacité de germination de Dialium guineense willd (Fabaceae) une espèce Agroforestière
  100. How far a protected area contributes to conserve habitat species composition and population structure of endangered African tree species (Benin, West Africa)
  101. Biomass, root structure and morphological characteristics of the medicinal Sarcocephalus latifolius (Sm) EA Bruce shrub across different ecologies in Benin
  102. Diversité et caractérisation morphologique des écotypes de l’espèce fourragère Panicum maximum au Bénin
  103. Environmentally induced variation in germination percentage and energy of naked caryopses of Loxodera ledermannii (Pilger) W.D. Clayton ex Launert in subhumid Benin (West Africa) 1
  104. Size of conducting phloem: The “key” factor for bark recovery of 12 tropical medicinal tree species
  105. Effets de lisière sur la productivité du teck (Tectona grandis L.f.) : étude de cas des teckeraies privées du Sud-Bénin
  106. Tree Plantation Will Not Compensate Natural Woody Vegetation Cover Loss in the Atlantic Department of Southern Benin
  107. Land Use and Land-Cover Change at “W” Biosphere Reserve and Its Surroundings Areas in Benin Republic (West Africa)
  108. Wild Mammals Trade for Zootherapeutic and Mythic Purposes in Benin (West Africa): Capitalizing Species Involved, Provision Sources, and Implications for Conservation
  109. Change in the woody floristic composition, diversity and structure from protected to unprotected savannahs in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve (Benin, West Africa)
  110. Distribution of tree species along a gallery forest-savanna gradient: Patterns, overlaps and ecological thresholds
  111. Floristic and dendrometric analysis of woodlands in the Sudano-Guinean zone: A case study of Belléfoungou forest reserve in Benin
  112. Growth and Yield of Three Indigenous Vegetables (Amaranthus caudatus L., Celosia argentea L., Corchorus olitorius L.) Grown in Soil Supplemented with Poultry Manure
  113. Impact of row spacing and nitrogen fertilization on the yield and quality of Brachiaria ruziziensis seeds in humid subtropical climates
  114. Decomposition and changes in chemical composition of leaf litter of five dominant tree species in a West African tropical forest
  116. Les petites mares de la Réserve de Biosphère de la Pendjari (Bénin)
  117. Secondary succession and factors determining change in soil condition from fallow to savannah in the Sudanian Zone of Benin
  118. Which one comes first, the tamarind or the Macrotermes termitarium?
  119. A countrywide multi-ethnic assessment of local communities’ perception of climate change in Benin (West Africa)
  120. Ethno-botanical study of the African star apple (Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don) in the Southern Benin (West Africa)
  121. Process analysis in the coastal zone of Bénin through remote sensing and socio-economic surveys
  122. Local perception of ecosystem services provided by bats and bees and their conservation in Bénin, West Africa
  123. How Far Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) affects phytodiversity, productivity and pastoral value of Benin guinean pastures?
  124. The West African Vegetation Database
  125. Hemicryptophytes plant species as indicator of grassland state in semi-arid region: Case study of W Biosphere Reserve and its surroundings area in Benin (West Africa)
  126. Agronomic and economic performance of yam-based systems with shrubby and herbaceous legumes adapted by smallholders
  127. Analyses écologique et structurale de la forêt communautaire de Kaodji au Bénin
  128. Étude préliminaire de la faune ophidienne de la forêt classée de la Lama, Sud Bénin
  129. Magnoliophyta, Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari, Atacora province, Benin
  130. Stem biomass and volume models of selected tropical tree species in West Africa
  131. Uses and management of black plum (Vitex doniana Sweet) in Southern Benin
  132. Land Use and Biodiversity in Unprotected Landscapes: The Case of Noncultivated Plant Use and Management by Rural Communities in Benin and Togo
  133. Caractérisation phyto-écologique de l’habitat du Tragelaphus spekei gratus (Sclater, 1864), sitatunga, dans la partie méridionale du Bénin
  134. Evaluation du potentiel ethnobotanique des populations rurales au Sud et au centre du Bénin
  135. Evaluating Yam-Based Cropping Systems Using Herbaceous Leguminous Plants in the Savannah Transitional Agroecological Zone of Benin
  136. Preliminary DRIS Model Parameterization to access groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) Nutrient Status in Benin (West Africa)
  137. Structure, ecological spectra and species dominance in riparian forests from Benin (West Africa)
  138. The BIOTA Biodiversity Observatories in Africa – A standardized framework for large-scale environmental monitoring
  139. Genetic Evidence of the Contribution of Ethnic Migrations to the Propagation and Persistence of the Rare and Declining Scrambling Shrub Caesalpinia bonduc L
  140. Biodiversity and socioeconomic factors supporting farmers’ choice of wild edible trees in the agroforestry systems of Benin (West Africa)
  141. Preliminary study of snake fauna in the Lama forest, South Benin
  144. Relation entre la production et la consommation des fruits cultivés sur le plateau d’Allada au sud du Benin
  145. Preliminary DRIS Model Parameterization to access groundnut (Arachis hypogeae L.) Nutrient status in Benin (West Africa)
  146. Genre et pauvreté chronique en milieu rural au Benin
  147. Poverty and Agroforestry Adoption: The Cases of Mucuna pruriens and Acacia auriculiformis in Godohou Village (Southern Benin)
  148. Conservation Status of the Red-bellied Guenon (Cercopithecus erythrogaster erythrogaster) in the Western Dahomey Gap in Southwestern Benin and the Adjacent Togodo Forest Reserve, South Togo
  149. Croyances Traditionnelles et Conservation du Colobe de Geoffroy, Colobus vellerosus (Geoffroy, 1834), dans la Forêt Sacrée de Kikélé, Bénin (Afrique de l’Ouest)
  150. Effectiveness of conservation areas in protecting Shea trees against hemiparasitic plants (Loranthaceae) in Benin, West Africa
  151. Comportement alimentaire des taurillons Girolando sur deux types de pâturages cultivés en zone subéquatoriale
  152. Facteurs déterminant la variabilité spatiale de la biomasse herbacée dans la zone soudano-guinéenne du Bénin
  153. Germination et utilisation de Caesalpinia benthamiana (Baillon) P.S.Herendeen & J.L.Zarucchi (Leguminosae-Caesalpiniaceae) dans l’aménagement anti-érosif des retenues d’hydraulique pastorale au Bénin
  154. Etude phytochimique des principales plantes galactogènes et emménagogues utilisées dans les terroirs riverains de la Zone cynégétique de la Pendjari
  155. Firewood yield and profitability of a traditional Daniellia oliveri short-rotation coppice on fallow lands in Benin
  156. Protection de la Nature en Afrique de l’Ouest: Une Liste Rouge pour le Bénin. Nature Conservation in West Africa: Red List for Benin. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 978 49796
  157. Human–carnivore conflict around Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, northern Benin
  158. Vulnérabilité climatique et appropriation de ressources pastorales dans la vallée du Niger : entre adaptation et patrimonialisation de territoire
  159. Leaf silicification, covariations with minerals concentrations and forage value of three tropical miscellaneous species from sudanian Benin.
  160. Leaf silicification, covariations with minerals concentrations and forage value of three tropical miscellaneous species from sudanian Benin
  161. Chemical composition and seasonal variation of essential oil of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst subsp birrea leaves from Benin
  162. Valuation of local preferred uses and traditional ecological knowledge in relation to three multipurpose tree species in Benin (West Africa)
  163. Caractérisation structurale des formations naturelles enrichies en essences forestières locales: cas des vertisols de la Lama (Benin)
  164. Influence des voisins sur le développement des espèces locales introduites dans les formations naturelles soudaniennes et guinéennes du Bénin
  165. Phenotypic variations in fruits and selection potential in Sclerocarya birrea subsp. birrea
  166. Modifications climatiques du sous-bois induites par les plantations d’essences exotiques : quel impact sur la diversite floristique locale ?
  167. Comparison of Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alston and mineral fertilizer effect on maize grain (Zea mays L.) and Stover yields on ferralitic soils in southern Benin.
  168. Effet comparé de la fumure minérale et du fumier bovin sur une culture fourragère de Brachiaria ruziziensis (Germain and Everard) en zone soudanienne du Bénin
  169. Caractéristiques structurelles et écologiques des phytocénoses de sous-bois des plantations privées de teck du département de l’Atlantique (Sus-Bénin, Afrique de l’Ouest)
  170. Caractérisation de l’agressivité des populations vis-à-vis du lamantin (Trichechus senegalensis) dans la zone côtière du Bénin
  171. Structural and ecological characteristics of the phytocenoses of private teak plantations in the Department of Atlantique (Southern Bénin, West Africa)
  172. Traditional agroforestry systems and biodiversity conservation in Benin (West Africa)
  173. Analyse comparative des profils des Plans d’Aménagement Participatifs des forêts classées du Bénin
  174. Folk perception of sexual dimorphism, sex ratio, and spatial repartition: Implications for population dynamics of Sclerocarya birrea [(A. Rich) Hochst] populations in Benin, West Africa
  175. Addressing data property rights concerns and providing incentives for collaborative data pooling: The West African Vegetation Database approach
  176. Ethnobotany of Pentadesma butyracea in Benin: A quantitative approach
  177. Geographical distribution, tree density and fruit production of Tamarindus indica L. (Fabaceae) across three ecological regions in Benin
  178. Impact of past climatic and recent anthropogenic factors on wild yam genetic diversity
  179. Local knowledge, pattern and diversity of use of Sclerocarya birrea
  180. Quantitative morphological descriptors confirm traditionally classified morphotypes of Tamarindus indica L. fruits
  181. Natural variation in fruit characteristics, seed germination and seedling growth of Adansonia digitata L. in Benin
  182. Comparative analyses of stakeholders’ perceptions of participatory forest management success in Benin
  183. Agro-pastoral dam use and management in relation to the presence of crocodiles in northern Bénin: technical and institutional constraints and opportunities
  184. Productivity of yam-based systems with herbaceous legumes and short fallows in the Guinea-Sudan transition zone of Benin
  185. Etat de degradation de l’habitat de la giraffe (Giraffa camalopardalis peralta Linnaeus, 1758) au Niger
  186. Diversity, carrying capacity and pastoral value of natural grazing lands.
  187. Use of vegetation fires as tool in pastoral land management.
  188. Contingent Constraints of Soil Conservation Innovations: Case of Yam-Based Systems with Herbaceous Legumes in the Guinea-Sudan Transition Zone of Benin
  189. Caractéristiques structurelles et écologiques des phytocénoses de sous-bois des plantations privées de teck du département de l’Atlantique (Sud-Bénin, Afrique de l’Ouest)
  190. Valeur alimentaire des fourrages consommés par les taurillons Borgou sur les parcours naturels du centre du Bénin
  191. Monitoring and Threat Assessment of the Spotted-Necked Otter (Lutra maculicollis) in Southern Benin Wetlands
  192. Impact of season, stem diameter and intensity of debarking on survival and bark re-growth pattern of medicinal tree species, Benin, West Africa
  193. Wound reaction after bark harvesting: Microscopic and macroscopic phenomena in ten medicinal tree species (Benin)
  194. Effectiveness of a protected areas network in the conservation of Tamarindus indica (Leguminosea–Caesalpinioideae) in Benin
  195. Community perception of biodiversity conservation within protected areas in Benin
  196. Women’s Traditional Knowledge, Use Value, and the Contribution of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) to Rural Households’ Cash Income in Benin
  197. Conservation Genetics of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in the Parklands Agroforestry Systems of Benin (West Africa)
  198. Etude comparative de la productivité de repousses et de la capacité de charge des hémicryptophytes soumises aux feux de végétation dans les parcelles irriguée et non irriguées dans la Réserve Transfrontalière de Biosphère (RTB) du W – Benin
  199. Disturbance and population structure of Vitex doniana Sw. in northern Benin, West Africa
  200. Distribution et statut de conservation du colobe de Geoffroy ( Colobus vellerosus ) au Bénin
  201. Etude ethnobotanique des plantes galactogènes et emménagogues utilisées dans les terroirs riverains à la Zone Cynégétique de la Pendjari
  202. Uses, traditional management, perception of variation and preferences in ackee (Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig) fruit traits in Benin: Implications for domestication and conservation
  203. Exploitation des ressources naturelle et dynamique actuelle sur les versants du massif de l’atacora: Secteur perma – Toucountouna (Nord -Ouest Benin)
  204. Weed removal improves coppice growth of Daniellia oliveri and its use as fuelwood in traditional fallows in Benin
  205. Vegetation of West Africa
  206. Impact of habitat type on the conservation status of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) populations in the W National Park of Benin
  207. Variation in seed morphometric traits, germination and early seedling growth performances of Tamarindus indica L
  208. Description de Isoberlinia spp Caesalpiniaceae
  209. Afzelia africana Caesalpiniaceae
  210. The West African Vegetation Database: incentives for collaborative data pooling
  211. Effect of moisture stress on silica accumulation in three tropical grass species (Pennisetum purpureum, Panicum maximum Jacq and P. maximum var. Orstom C1)
  212. Valeur pastorale, productivité et connaissances endogènes de l’effet de l’invasion, par Hyptis suaveolens L. Poit., des pâturages naturels en Zone soudano-guinéenne (Bénin)
  214. Diversité des amphibiens au Bénin : situation actuelle et futur
  215. Plant species and ecosystems with high conservation priority in Benin
  216. Estimating the Local Value of Non-Timber Forest Products to Pendjari Biosphere Reserve Dwellers in Benin
  217. Population structure and abundance of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) Hochst subsp. birrea in two contrasting land-use systems in Benin
  218. Evaluation écologique et ethnobotanique de Jatropha curcas L. au Bénin
  219. Structure of Anogeissus leiocarpa Guill., Perr. Natural stands in relation to anthropogenic pressure within Wari-Maro Forest Reserve in Benin
  220. Characterization of Afzelia africana Sm. habitat in the Lama Forest reserve of Benin
  221. Cartographie et caractérisation floristique de la forêt marécageuse de Lokoli (Bénin)
  222. Mongoose species in southern Benin: Preliminary ecological survey and local community perceptions
  223. Test de germination des graines de Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb au Bénin
  224. Tests de germination et de croissance de Artemisia annua L. anamed sur différents substrats au Bénin
  225. Biological and phytogeographical analysis of plant communities infested by Chromolaena odorata and Hyptis suaveolens in the Betecoucou region (Benin) Analyse biologique et phytogéographique des savanes colonisées par Chromolaena odorata et Hyptis suaveolens dans la région d
  227. Semi-deciduous forest remnants in Benin: Patterns and floristic characterisation
  228. Approches de régénération artificielle de Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutchison et Dalziel
  229. Spatial genetic structuring of baobab (Adansonia digitata L., Malvaceae) in the traditional agroforestry systems of West Africa
  230. Ethnic Differences in Use Value and Use Patterns of Baobab
  231. Sustainable use of non-timber forest products: Impact of fruit harvesting on Pentadesma butyracea regeneration and financial analysis of its products trade in Benin
  232. Recovery from bark harvesting of 12 medicinal tree species in Benin, West Africa
  233. Gestion pastorale et structure des terroirs agricoles dans la périphérie de la Djona (Nord-Est Bénin)
  234. Genetic fingerprinting using AFLP cannot distinguish traditionally classified baobab morphotypes
  235. Structural description of two Isoberlinia dominated vegetation types in the Wari–Maro Forest Reserve (Benin)
  237. Structure spatiale et régénération naturelle de Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir en zone soudanienne au Bénin
  238. Twenty Years of Cooperation between Botanists of the Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany) and of West African Universities
  239. Utilisation and local knowledge of Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) by the rural population around the W national park in Karimama District (Bénin)
  240. Diversity and ethnozoological study of smallmammals in villages of the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in northern Benin.
  241. The West African Vegetation Database
  242. Capacités Envahissantes de Deux Espèces Exotiques, Chromolaena Odorata (Asteraceae) et Hyptis Suaveolens (Lamiaceae), en Relation Avec L’Exploitation des Terres de la Région de Bétécoucou (Bénin)
  243. Critères et indicateurs de participation des populations locales à l’aménagement forestier au Bénin
  244. Invasiveness of two exotic species, Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) and Hyptis suaveolens (Lamiaceae), in relation with land use around Bétécoucou (Bénin)
  245. Medicinal plant commercialization in Benin: An analysis of profit distribution equity across supply chain actors and its effect on the sustainable use of harvested species
  246. Distribution des espèces de primates au Bénin et ethnozoologie
  247. Influence des actions anthropiques sur la dynamique spatio-temporelle de l’occupation du sol dans la province du Bas-Congo (RDCongo)
  248. Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge and Sustainable Forest Management in Africa IUFRO World Serives Volume 23 DIVERSITY AND ETHNOZOOLOGICAL STUDY OF SMALL MAMMALS IN VILLAGES OF THE PENDJARI BIOSPHERE RESERVE IN NORTHERN BENIN
  249. Population Genetics of the Cycad Encephalartos Barteri ssp. Barteri (Zamiaceae) in Benin with Notes on Leaflet Morphology and Implications for Conservation
  251. Ecology and ethnozoology of the three-cusped pangolin Manis tricuspis (Mammalia, Pholidota) in the Lama forest reserve, Benin
  252. Folk Classification, Perception, and Preferences of Baobab Products in West Africa: Consequences for Species Conservation and Improvement
  253. Fruit selection and effects of seed handling by flying foxes on germination rates of shea trees, a key resource in Northern Benin, West Africa
  254. Inventory of bat species of Niaouli Forest, Bénin, and its bearing on the significance of the Dahomey Gap as a zoogeographic barrier
  255. Etude dendrométrique de Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. des formations naturelles de la zone soudanienne au Bénin
  256. Relationships between Human Pressure Gradient and Floristic Diversity in the Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin (Western Africa).
  257. Pauvreté chronique et pauvreté transitoire sur le plateau Adja au Bénin: Caractéristiques et influence sur la mise en œuvre des pratiques agricoles de conservation des terres
  258. Diversity of soil fertility management practices in sudanian zones of Benin (Western Africa).
  259. Dendrometrical Characterization of a Common Plant Species (Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. & Perr.) in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve and its Surrounding Land (Benin).
  260. Diet and food preference of the waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa) in the Pendjari National Park, Benin
  261. Notula Florae Beninsis, 13 – Biogeographical analysis of the vegetation in Benin
  262. Studies in African thelephoroid fungi: 1. Tomentella capitata and Tomentella brunneocystidia, two new species from Benin (West Africa) with capitate cystidia
  263. Land use impact on Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaerten. stand structure and distribution patterns: A comparison of Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari in Atacora district in Benin
  264. Saproxylic beetle assemblages on native and exotic snags in a West African tropical forest
  265. The amphibians of the Lokoli Forest, a permanently inundated rainforest in the Dahomey Gap, Benin.
  266. Quelles aires protégées pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest ? Conservation de la biodiversité et développement
  267. Les aires protégées d’Afrique de l’Ouest, une identité en devenir ? = Protected areas of West Africa, an evolving identity ?
  268. Diversité, Caractérisation et Typologie opérationnelle des Exploitations Agricoles pour l’Amélioration des Pratiques de Gestion de la Fertilité des Sols en Zone Soudanienne du Bénin.
  269. Plans de mobilisation de la matière organique pour l’Amélioration de la Gestion de la Fertilité des Sols en Zone Soudanienne du Nord-Bénin.
  270. Les éléphants d’AlfaKoara au Bénin : cohabitation avec les populations riveraines de la Djona
  271. Ecoéthologie du porc épic (Hystrix cristata) et élaboration d’un référentiel pour son élevage en captivité
  272. Projet Biolama : conservation de la biodiversité de la forêt classée de la Lama (Bénin) : les arthropodes
  273. Le feu, outil de gestion des parcours naturels : expérimentations en zone soudano-guinéenne au Bénin
  274. Impact de l’immigration agricole autour des aires protégées : cas des villages riverains de la forêt classée de Wari-Maro (Bénin)
  275. Distribution des aires protégées et conservation de la flore en république du Bénin : Notulae Florae Beninensis 11
  276. L’hippopotame dans les zones humides du sud-Bénin
  277. Structure et composition floristique de la forêt classée de la Lama
  278. Mesures de conservation endogènes de la faune sauvage : cas des crocodiles du Bénin
  279. Influence de la mise en oeuvre des pratiques agricoles de conservation sur le bien-être des ménages ruraux du plateau Adja au bénin
  280. Résultats Préliminaires de l’Analyse Evolutive de la Zone Côtière du Bénin: Cas Spécifiques des Arrondissements de Avlékété et de Sèmè
  281. Effets de la dynamique d’occupation du sol sur la structure et la diversité floristique des forêts claires et savanes au Bénin
  282. Phytosociological and chorological approaches to phytogeography: A meso-scale study in Benin
  283. Effect of introduced exotic trees on the species diversity of the plant communities of their undergrowth Impact des espèces exotiques plantées sur la diversité spécifique des phytocénoses de leur sous-bois
  284. Données biologiques, éco-éthologiques et socio-économiques sur les groupes d’hippopotames (Hippopotamus amphibius) isolés dans les terroirs villageois en zones humides des départements du Mono et du Couffo au Sud-Bénin
  285. Effect of defoliation on silica accumulation in five tropical fodder grass species in Benin
  286. Patterns of Genetic and Morphometric Diversity in Baobab (Adansonia digitata) Populations Across Different Climatic Zones of Benin (West Africa)
  287. Dead wood and saproxylic beetle assemblages in a semi-deciduous forest in Southern Benin
  288. Arthropod diversity in Lama forest reserve (South Benin), a mosaic of natural, degraded and plantation forests
  289. Arthropod Diversity in Lama Forest Reserve (South Benin), a Mosaic of Natural, Degraded and Plantation Forests
  290. The amphibian fauna of Pendjari National Park and surroundings Northern Benin
  291. Importance of rodents as a human food source in Benin
  292. Termite assemblages in a West-African semi-deciduous forest and teak plantations
  293. Caractères morphologiques et production des capsules de Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) au Bénin
  294. Ecological diversity and pulp, seed and kernel production of the Baobab (Adansonia digitata) in Benin
  295. Phytodiversity dynamics as an indicator for sustainable use in the West African Sahel and Sudanian Zone
  296. A stepwise Selection Technique Of The Most Discriminant Parameters of Two Groups Applied to Isoberlinia Stands in Benin
  297. Phytodiversity dynamics as an indicator for sustainable use in the West African Sahel and Sudanian Zone
  298. Leaf litter breakdown in natural and plantation forests of the Lama forest reserve in Benin
  299. Dendrometric characteristics as indicators of pressure of Afzelia africana Sm. dynamic changes in trees found in different climatic zones of Benin
  300. A phytosociological study of Riparian forests in Benin (West Africa)
  301. Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in West Africa – 3. A case study: Changes in phytodiversity through human impact
  302. Conservation of biodiversity in a relic forest in Benin – an overview
  303. Connaissances ethnobotaniques et valorisation du baobab (Adansonia digitata) pour la sécurité alimentaire des populations rurales au Bénin
  304. Phytodiversity assessment in the West African Sudan Zone
  305. Riparian forests and biodiversity conservation in Benin (West Africa)
  306. Riparian forests, a unique but endangered ecosystem in Benin
  307. Past and Present Distribution of the Red-Bellied Monkey Cercopithecus erythrogaster erythrogaster in Benin
  308. Diversité, structure et comportement des primates de la forêt marécageuse de Lokoli au Bénin.
  309. Abundance and species richness of larger mammals in Pendjari National Park in Benin
  310. Diversité et productivité des champignons comestibles dans la forêt classée de Wari-Maro au Bénin (Afrique de l´Ouest)
  311. Analyse phytogéographique de la région des Monts Kouffé au Bénin
  312. Impact of bush fire on the dynamics of vegetation in Bassila forest (Benin)
  313. Ecology of elephant population (Loxodonta africana) in the Cynegetic Zone of Djona (Benin)
  314. Species diversity of Cochlospermum tinctorium A. Rich. vegetation of shrub savannas in northern Benin
  315. Diversity of Medicinal Plants and Preliminary Parameterization of their Uses in Benin (Western Africa)
  316. Agronomic and Animal performances of tropical mixture fodder in sudanian zone of Benin.
  317. Les faciès à Andropogon pseudapricus des groupements post-culturaux et des savanes arbustives du Nord-Bénin: dissemblance floristique et caractères communs
  318. Les pâturages de saison sèche de la zone soudanienne du nord-Bénin
  319. Comparative analysis of local populations’ perceptions of socio-economic determinants of vegetation degradation in sudano-guinean area in Benin (West Africa)
  320. Problemes lies a la transhumance des animaux domestiques a travers les parcs nationaux
  321. Traditional Botanical Gardens as a Tool for Preserving Plant Diversity, Indigenous Knowledge and Last Threatened Relic Forest in Northern Benin


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Sobre nosotros

El Laboratorio de Ecología Aplicada (LEA) fue creado por orden decanal del Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas (FSA) de la Universidad de Abomey Calavi (UAC) en 1994. Anteriormente, sus actividades se habían realizado dentro de la Sección de Ecología Aplicada y Productos de Acuicultura (SEAPA) de la FSA.


• Gestión de los ecosistemas forestales y gestión
• Monitoreo de especies de flora y fauna endémicas y/o amenazadas
• Desarrollo y manejo de pastizales naturales
• Planificación y gestión de áreas protegidas.
• Valorización de la etnobotánica.


El Laboratorio de Ecología Aplicada (LEA) tiene dos oficinas: una localizada en el primer piso del edificio del Instituto de Avances en Ciencias Biomédicas (ISBA), ubicado en el recinto ferial (Campus Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud – FSS/UAC), Cotonou y la otra en el campus universitario de Abomey-Calavi. El LEA tiene el equipo de computación, incluyendo varias computadoras, impresoras, enfriadores múltiples para la conservación de semillas, muebles y documentación importante sobre los recursos naturales y el medio ambiente. En Cotonou, los ordenadores están conectados en red y conectados a Internet por el sistema ADSL; en el campus, los ordenadores están conectados a la red centralizada de la Universidad de Abomey-Calavi. En cuanto al plan financiero en el Laboratorio, goza de autonomía administrativa y financiera, lo que asegura una mayor rapidez en la gestión de los programas. El presupuesto anual es, en promedio, de 40.000 US$. Hoy en día el Laboratorio tiene una necesidad: equipar el nuevo edificio construido en 2010 para optimizar el trabajo de los investigadores; un presupuesto operativo para profundizar en la investigación y hacerla beneficiosa para el desarrollo sostenible.


• Elaboración de mapas temáticos (Sistemas de Información Geográfica).
• Procesamiento de imágenes satelitales.
• Elaboración de carteles (Formatos A1, A2, A3).
• Consultas científicas sobre biodiversidad y medio ambiente.